Neil speaking to the Massoud Foundation in Parliament
Neil speaking to the Massoud Foundation in Parliament

I hosted the Massoud Foundation in Parliament to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the assassination of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the ‘Lion of Panjshir’.

Massoud fought the Soviets out of Afghanistan and battled the extremists of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. The moderate and democratic values that Massoud lived by are a beacon of hope for people living under the authoritarian Afghan regime today.

Since the last Government capitulated to the Taliban and abandoned our former allies, many Afghans have been forced out of their homes. Some have sought sanctuary and a new life in Southwark and across the UK.

The former Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, claimed we would see “Taliban Mark II” but now minority groups like the Tajiks are murdered or expelled and women’s rights are now non-existent, with schools closed and even speaking banned in public, as well as a widespread humanitarian disaster with millions going without basic essentials.

Instead of Dom being sacked for his failures and gullibility, under the chaotic Tories he was briefly promoted to Deputy Prime Minister despite his failures.

I will keep supporting Afghans in the UK, especially those building new lives in Southwark.

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