It was good to see the ‘Peckham Pantry’ in action and to hear they already have 2,000 registered shoppers!
Sadly, this Government and its awful policies have fuelled the need for foodbanks and innovation like the pantry model where people’s money can go a lot further. The Peckham Pantry estimates the £4.50 shop will on average result in people getting around £20 worth of goods – a bargain for anyone!
If you know anyone in need, Pecan (who run the Peckham Pantry) encourage people to register to use this choice-based model of accessing essential items.
It was great to see the range of items on offer at the pantry, including ‘brands’ and fresh meat, fruit and veg, bread and other produce. It is a shame that so many people are needing to eke out limited funds currently but wonderful that we have the Pantry locally able to help with such great options for such great value!
You can register as a member here –