Yesterday, the Prime Minister came to the House of Commons and said the same things in the same way about the same plan and in the same excruciating manner. May is on repeat mode. A scratched record.

I asked her about having tried to deny Parliament a meaningful vote at all (it was won in the courts) and then cancelling the vote anyway, about claiming EU citizens living and working in the UK had somehow jumped the queue, and about trying to ignore the chance to revoke Article 50 to avoid a No Deal scenario. You can see my question in the Commons below.

Her answer was worse than robotic. She claims a new public vote would be ‘in bad faith’ but in 2016 told the country our economy and national security would be at risk if we left the EU and now claims the exact opposite. If anyone is acting in bad faith then it is Theresa May. The British public deserve better: no Prime Minister should be undermining our country and its future.

But the Maybot is stuck on soundbite again: “the people voted” and “it is the will of the people” to try and force her wishlist proposals that answer none of the key questions about the UK’s future relationship with the EU – or indeed about the United Kingdom’s internal relationship with Northern Ireland.

It was groundhog day: the facts have changed since she presented her ‘plan’ but she is unable to shift her pathetic platform. Since she claimed to have a deal:

  • It was so overwhelmingly clear that her proposals would be massively defeated in the Commons that she pulled the vote;
  • Tory MPs have held  a vote of no confidence in her; and
  • The courts have ruled that Article 50 can be revoked.

So much has changed and yet “nothing has changed” with Groundhog May.

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